I want to say that Simple Play won the viewers choice hands down. Almost everyone commented on the two little girls chasing the butterflies. When I was making it, I had this image in mind but was not sure how well it would translate to the fabric. As it started to come to life, it awakened a childhood memory. I don't usually have an attachment to my quilts, but I knew I wanted to keep this one. It immediately became the subject of one of my quilt stories.
I received so many wonderful comments about the video. My favorite was: "I love them all. I looked at the video 4 times and each time I got a feeling of awe and surprise. Your quilts are so alive and have so much character that I can feel the wonderful spirit (your spirit and love) that is in each one of them. -The Michael Jackson quilt was very touching, this is a awesome way to honor his memory. -Crossing Over has an optical illusion affect, when I first looked at it and heard you say it was called Crossing Over, I saw a pair of hands floating. When I looked the second time I could see the butterfly. -Whimsical gave me a warm feeling, like I knew a secret or something no one else knows. -I could see the free spirit in Lady Butterfly. -In my minds eye, I could see the two little girls running, hear the laughter and fell the breeze of a spring day. I can go on and on, I am so sorry I missed the exhibit." RM, Atlanta, GA
I'd like to thank everyone that offered constructive criticism. I will definitely use that in the next video. If you haven't seen it yet, please be my guest: http://www.youtube.com/user/obaquilts