Friday, February 26, 2010

Simple Play

I want to say that Simple Play won the viewers choice hands down. Almost everyone commented on the two little girls chasing the butterflies. When I was making it, I had this image in mind but was not sure how well it would translate to the fabric. As it started to come to life, it awakened a childhood memory. I don't usually have an attachment to my quilts, but I knew I wanted to keep this one. It immediately became the subject of one of my quilt stories.

I received so many wonderful comments about the video. My favorite was: "I love them all. I looked at the video 4 times and each time I got a feeling of awe and surprise. Your quilts are so alive and have so much character that I can feel the wonderful spirit (your spirit and love) that is in each one of them. -The Michael Jackson quilt was very touching, this is a awesome way to honor his memory. -Crossing Over has an optical illusion affect, when I first looked at it and heard you say it was called Crossing Over, I saw a pair of hands floating. When I looked the second time I could see the butterfly. -Whimsical gave me a warm feeling, like I knew a secret or something no one else knows. -I could see the free spirit in Lady Butterfly. -In my minds eye, I could see the two little girls running, hear the laughter and fell the breeze of a spring day. I can go on and on, I am so sorry I missed the exhibit." RM, Atlanta, GA
I'd like to thank everyone that offered constructive criticism. I will definitely use that in the next video. If you haven't seen it yet, please be my guest:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Resplendent Video on Youtube

I am so excited that my new video about the Resplendent Exhibition is up on YouTube. The exhibition opened November 16 and went through January 31, 2010. The exhibit featured butterflies. We tried to explore butterflies from many different points of view. Janice did a series called Georgia Grown which focused on three butterflies that are indigenous to Georgia. Elaine created a beaded curtain of a flower garden visited by butterflies. Janice and I dabbled into fantasy as we made our own species of butterflies with Whimsy, Metamorphosis and The Search Is On. I'm trying to figure out which quilt I like the best. Maybe you can help me by posting your favorite in the comments section after you view the video.
We had storytelling and many private showings. I wanted to share the exhibit with all of the people that could not make it. Elaine, Janice and I enjoyed the exhibit thoroughly and now you can see my portion of it on

Click: http:/